Otis Hackney is the President & CEO of the “I Have A Dream” Foundation and is responsible for leading the national education nonprofit and its vision of college access and opportunity for all. He believes every child deserves to attend great schools within their own communities and is committed to effecting positive, sustainable social change.

In his previous role as Chief Education Officer for the City of Philadelphia, Otis championed crucial collaboration and partnerships with stakeholders to strengthen the local educational landscape and advance key educational policy. He helped the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) return to local control with a mayoral-appointed board and worked to secure free internet access for students to participate in virtual learning at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In partnership with the SDP, he launched several important equity-centered initiatives, including a locally funded PreK program called Community Schools. Ever mindful of the importance of access to post-secondary opportunity, Otis is also known for working with the Community College of Philadelphia to secure tuition-free scholarships and basic needs support.

Otis joined the National Board of Directors at the “I Have a Dream” Foundation in 2019. Along with his extensive knowledge and experience in education, his tenure on the board made him a prudent choice for President & CEO. Under his leadership, IHDF is well-poised to continue making equitable education a reality by engaging communities and children (“Dreamers”) through individualized programming and guaranteed post-secondary tuition support.

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Otis Hackney